Legendary Motorcycle Adventures

In 2017, inspired by the intrepid simplicity of pioneering motorbike adventures, Sam created a motorbike adventure tour brand that allowed for greater connection to real Wilderness

‘Traveling by motorcycle is a one-of-a-kind experience; an experience that awakens the senses & allows full access to one's surroundings

You get to feel closer to everything, the weather, the smells, the sights, and most importantly, the people and communities you travel through

LMA provided our clients with an opportunity to slow down, take stock, switch off and remind themselves that there really is a whole other world out there’

He led bespoke trips into some of the planets most spectacular scenery using only the finest, crafted kit & riding on a fleet of beautiful Royal Enfield motorcycles

‘The luxury element came from something that is becoming increasingly difficult to find; the opportunity to make space & take time to ponder, be inspired & reflect’

Sleeping under the stars, bathing in the local rivers, fine-malt round the evenings camp-fire, open-faced travel, these were just some of the ingredients that made up this unique travel offer

LMA quickly became the golden ticket for those who loved the aesthetic of retro simplistic adventuring & wanted to get some Saharan dust in the seams of their Belstaff jacket, or feel the warm Andalusian winds dancing around the edge of their goggles